Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pt 8 Considering the bloodshed

These times we live in seem to have more than their share of darkness. For the past season I have felt a looming shadow in my mind. Something is not right in Azeroth, but I do not know exactly what it is.

Lately, the humans have been coming more frequently to our lands. Always with the same goal, to kill our Chieftan. Word has also came to us about similar atacks on Orgrimmar as well, against Thrall himself. Our Night Elf bretheren in Moonglade tell us that King Varian in Stormwind offers a bounty on our leaders heads.

War will only destroy us.

"Elder Hamuul, Beram Skychaser sends word that they are ready to light the funeral pyre. Do you wish to come?" my assistant Turak Runetotem says as he enters my lodge.

"No Turak, it would not be fitting for me to attend. Druids are concerned with life, not death. Let Beram and his shamans see to the deads passage into the afterlife."

Turak bows to me as he backs out of the lodge.

I occurs to me as I sit in the vacant lodge that my concern for life should prompt me to go and visit Cairne today. I am sure he is recovering nicely since yesterdays attack, Charibdys has a gentle gift for tending to the sick and wounded.

As I step out into the warm autumn sun I nod in respect to Magatha Grimtotem sitting in her small lodge across from mine. As always she scowls at me. The sour old crone has her place, I just wish she could put aside her prejudice and bring her clan back into friendship with the rest of the Tauren.

The massive rope bridge swings in the ever present wind as I cross over to the bluff where Cairne's lodge is. My nose is accosted by the sickly sweet smell of the funeral pyre far below us in the valley. So many are being laid to rest this day, so many ruined lives.

A few Tauren still wander about the common area at Cairne's lodge all hang their heads in sorrow. Despite efforts to clear the remains of the battle, the common area still looks ruined. Burnt lodges, scores of arrows sticking out of the great totem pole, scattered bits of torn clothing, and dark patches in the grass where the blood has soaked into the ground. If only warriors bent on victory could see the aftermath of their struggle beforehand, perhaps we would have no war.

To my astonishment, I look across the yard and see Charibdys. She is not tending to Cairne like she was all last night. Instead, she is sitting in the grass under a tree near the great tower. As I approach her I see she is holding something in her hands and sobbing.

"Sweet dear Charibdys, it is a sad time, but why do you dwell on death?" I say as I walk up behind her.

It is then that I notice, she is sitting next to the shattered body of a Night Elf. Charibdys looks up at me and I can see big tears in her red eyes. It looks as though she has been crying for a long time.

"Charidbys, did you know this elf?" I say to her in a whisper.

She pauses for a long time, probably measuring her words.

"Yes Elder, I knew her... Once long ago. Why she came here and took part in this horrible slaughter is beyond my understanding and it breaks my heart."

I glance over her shoulder and see a doll of some sort in her hands. It is stained with blood. Something that a child would carry, not a Night Elf huntress.

"Her name was Bellanna, but when she joined the Alliance army she changed her name to Huntrica, perhaps to sound more ferocious in some ridiculous way. That was the last time we spoke to one another." Charibdys says softly. "The worst part is that I helped Calmfury kill her knowing full well who she was."

I am at a loss for words to comfort her.

"Elder, I need to bury her. From what I know of Night elf funerary rites, she must be buried. If she is burned like the others she may return as a vengeful spirit. However, if I bury her remains deep in the grassy plains she may find rest."

I kneel down before her, looking her deep in the eyes. "Charibdys, you have my blessing to do so. Wrap her remains tightly and go into the valley late tonight. Take no one with you, you do not need anyone thinking that you are giving special favor to our enemies."

She wipes her tear stained cheeks, and smiles gently at me. "Thank you Elder Hamuul Runetotem. You dont know how much this means to me."

I walk away with a heavier heart than I had before. We have all lost loved ones, but for Charibdys to mourn as she is there must be much more to this than she is telling me.

My visit with Cairne is uneventful. Today he is going about his business like nothing happened, when yesterday he was at death's door. Such is the power of druidic healing.

The afternoon draws on into the evening and I am finaly able to return to my lodge. It is there that I find a pleasant surprise waiting for me. Sitting in the dirt next to my grass mat is Calmfury and his tiny Orc servant.

"Calmfury, I am pleased to see you. You don't look worse for wear after what happened. What brings the mighty Guardian of Cenarius to my lodge this evening?"

"Elder!! My Master has found his balance!!" Meekha squeals with delight, only to have her face go from green to bright red with embarassment.

Her comical faux pas is quickly forgotten as the weight of her words hit me like a cool gust of wind on a hot day.

"Calmfury, do tell. What happened?" I manage to stammer as I sit on my grassy mat.

"Well.. " Calmfury pauses as if unsure of his words "Elder, as I fought the raiding party on the ramp yesterday, I came to the realization that I could not stop them as a bear. As they attacked me a sense of serenity came over me and I summoned a typhoon of water to wash them off the lift."

Pondering this development I realize that Calmfury has indeed manifested a power that some druids have to summon and control the forces of nature. However, this power only comes to those who are serene and in balance.

"Calmfury, has it ever occured to you that emotions like anger and hostility will get in the way of your mastery of nature?"

The young bull furrows his brow, deep in thought no doubt. We sit in silence for some time before he responds.

"The way of the feral beast is rage and ferocity. I have always been able to draw upon its power to drive me." He pauses again, this time I watch a tear roll from his eye, something I have never seen before in him. "Elder, I will have to think about this for a while."

The hulking bull rises from the ground, and to my surprise gives me a respectful bow, something he hasn't done in a long time.

"Elder, if you need me for anything I will be wandering the plains in the valley below"

"Very well Calmfury, do not linger there too long, I will be needing you soon." I say to him as he walks slowly out of my lodge. "We will all be needing you young bull, more than you realize."