Saturday, February 27, 2010

pt 37 The patient assassin always gets her mark

Explosions ring in my ears like a hellish chorus. The grunting and groaning of the wooden deck beneath my feet gives me pause, as burning chunks of metal and debris fall all around me. Across the expanse of the frozen skies of Icecrown I see the grim faces of the dwarves aboard the Skybreaker. They fire and reload their rifles with practiced skill and determination. Behind them stand the grenadiers, working quickly to aim and launch their deadly rockets on the deck of the Ogrim's Hammer. At their command stands the mighty Dwarf known as Muradin Bronzebeard. It is rumored that Muradin was once a close associate of Arthas himself.

"You DARE come aboard my ship!!" Warlord Saurfang shouts as a portal opens up above our heads, and Alliance marines begin jumping into our midst.

Saurfang is the most noble and awe inspiring Orc I have ever met. He commands the Horde forces in their assault on Icecrown Citadel and is subordinate to the wretched Garrosh Hellscream. It was earlier today that I was impressed by Saurfang, and filled with a new hope for the leadership of the Horde. While assaulting the lower halls of the Citadel we heard the echos of Arthas torturing a human by the name of Bolvar. Apparently, this human is a close friend to the King of Stormwind, and Saurfang ordered us to rescue him in order that we may ease the tensions between the Horde and the Alliance.

"Charibdys!! You must focus your heals on Calmfury!" the burly Tauren Shaman by the name of Earthmoon shouts at me above the explosions.

I nearly topple over as the Ogrim's Hammer lurches to one side. Meanwhile, Calmfury launches into the fray, swiping and mauling the human marines with his gore soaked claws.

Suddenly, the cannons aboard our ship burst to life, spraying fire and shot into the hull of the Skybreaker. All the Horde give a rousing cheer as the Alliance ship begins to burst into flame.

Calmfury lets out a roar as the marines slash and cut him with their swords and axes. Though they seem to have little effect on his stubborn hide, I do see blood coming from his wounds.

All this time I have followed him, at the behest of Master Hamuul. To look for any sign of evil corruption that we suspect he is harboring. To decide if there is good in him, or to just kill him in order to hide our shame. I can't help but think how easy it would be to just let the Alliance Marines do the job for me.

"Charibdys!! heal Calmfury! If those marines get loose we are done for!!" Squish screams from across the deck.

One of the marines plunges his sword into the side of the beastly bear, and Calmfury lets out a miserable scream.

I don't know if I have seen good or evil in him. Ever since I found him at the tournament grounds he's been little more than a ghost. Moping about, barely eating, he only becomes animated when there is a fight. It's almost as if he is little more than a mindless zombie, only becoming alive when Squish wants him to.

Calmfury stumbles a bit as blood begins to flow from his deep wounds. He coughs up a wad of foamy blood out of his mouth, and then rises up on his back legs to maul one of the marines.

I feel a hand grab me hard on the shoulder. Spinning around I see the beautiful and sultry Troll shaman Jezi. "Charibdys Mon!! Snap out of eet before yah git dah Calmfury killt!!"

I look her deep in the eyes, and she sees that I have already made my decision not to heal him. Who could blame me? I am tired of fighting. I don't care about Arthas, the Scourge, or this stupid war. I just want to run free, to hear the wind in the trees, and to feel the warmth of the sun.

The ship lurches again as a rocket plows into its side and sets the deck ablaze. I fall on my butt, and sit there as I watch the Marines begin to finish off Calmfury.

"Don't ya be worryin Mon!! I'll heal dah smelly beast mah self" Jezy shouts as she focuses her shamanic healing power. A green arc of electricity leaps from her hands and infuses Calmfury's body with life. I watch in despair as his wounds close up and he leaps back to life.

Another explosion rocks the Ogrim's Hammer. This time it is one of the engines powering the Skybreaker. It bursts into flames sending pieces of metal and wood flying in all directions. The Alliance airship then lurches hard to the side, sending Muradin and his Dwarven riflemen into a panic to find a handhold. Once again the Horde gives a rousing cry of victory.

As the Skybreaker peels away from us we can see that the damage to her hull is immense, much more than we thought. Her crew works hard to get the craft under control and get the fires put out. But, from our perspective it looks as though she is going down.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!" Squish bellows at me as the small little Blood Elf grabs the front of my jerkin. "You stupid Tauren bitch! You almost got us all killed! I brought you along to heal us, not enjoy the scenery."

"Easy Mon, Can't yah see shes been shot? Move aside sos dat I can heal her." Jezi says as she grabs Squish by the shoulder.

I look down at my torso, and sure enough it seems that I caught a bullet in the stomach. Funny, it doesn't even seem to hurt.

"Dere, dats eet, lay yerself down now and let Jezi tend yer wound."

As I lay flat on the deck I suddenly feel a dull, heavy pain in my guts. I can't help but let out a groan.

"Yer lucky tah be alive mah deery." Jezi says as she looks over her shoulder at Squish. "Just gimme a second ta git dat bullet outta yah."

I look across the deck to see Calmfury, still in bear form, eating a lump of bread that he clawed from the bag of a dead marine. He looks at me with his dead, unexpressionate eyes as if he knows what I did but doesn't care.

"By the Ancestors!!" Saurfang exclaims as the Ogrim's Hammer pulls up alongside a balcony at the upper reaches of the Citadel. There stands a hideous looking Orc Deathknight garbed in ornate armor and holding a massive axe.

As all eyes turn to our lone host, he just stands there without a sign of fear.

"My son" Saurfang utters under his breath, just loud enough for us to hear.

I feel a sharp pain followed by gentle relief as Jezi pulls the bullet out of me and focuses her healing magics on me. "Dere yah go Mon, good as new. Now git up, it look like we got a fight commin."

As the crewmen work to secure the airship to the balcony, Saurfang, his Korkron guard and the grizzled veterans of our warband move forward to face our next adversary.

"Join me, father. Join me and we will crush this world in the name of the Scourge. For the glory of the Lich King!" the Deathknight shouts at Saurfang.

Saurfang grimaces for a moment. "My boy died at the Wrathgate. I am here only to collect his body."

Squish looks back at us. "Bloodlust, prepare yourselves. This is gonna get ugly." she says as she grips her shield tightly in one hand and unsheathes her sword.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

pt 36 To Icecrown.. *explicit*

The two figures lay entwined in the dark room. Their sweaty bodies locked in a love embrace, panting and growling at one another like animals. It has been like this for hours. Neither one of them has slept this night, instead focusing their primal passion in the act of love making.

As the intensity of their act rises, the woman begins to moan loudly. Her muscular body spasm as she grips the fur blanket of their bed tightly. Sweat runs across her pale green skin in rivulets as her man pounds violently on top of her. Suddenly, she lets out a scream and her back arches in a powerful climax. The power of the moment seems to send the entire world into a spin. Then, the pair of lovers collapse in a musky heap. Their ruddy bodies still locked in loves embrace.

Silence falls across the room as the paint of dawn begins to seep into the shuttered window.

"You are a beast. I haven't been loved like dat since before Mount Hyjal." the woman says in a lusty voice.

The hulking orc man smiles through his gleaming tusks.

"Felika, I have never met a woman such as you in all of Draenor." he says and he runs his hand lovingly across her bald head.

The pair smile at one another and exchange a passionate embrace.

"Orkimedes, eet will be dawn soon and I haf ta eat sometin and then head out to da Drag to sell my goods. Can you join me fa dinner again tonight?" Felika says with a wink and a sly smile.

The ancient shaman sighs and sits up in bed as he pulls his white hair back into a ponytail.

"I don't know what I am gonna do Felika. I need to find out what is going on and soon. The spirits of our ancestors cry out to me, but I am at a loss as to what the problem is."

Felika stands up and strides across the room. Her shapely nude body silhouetted against the trickle of dawn coming through the shutters. She picks up a cup and a pitcher, fills the cup, and takes a long drink of whatever wine was left from dinner.

"You said dat you suspect sometin is happenin to dese Gruntlins?" she says as she refills the cup, and hands it to the shaman.

"Yes, I have seen some of them in town with some suspicious injuries. However, Eitrigg thinks it is just from the rigors of being an apprentice." Orkimedes sigh and sits deep in thought for a moment. "I am thinking about going to Icecrown to figure out how these soldiers are earning the right to possess a Gruntling."

"I have been dere" Felika says as she picks up a slice of leftover meat from the table "eets de only place I can find gray dye. Anyway, eets not a nice place, you should forget about eet and stay ere wit me." she smiles lustily through her tusks as she takes a bite of the roasted boar.

"You insatiable she wolf!" Orkimedes smiles broadly back at her. "No, I have to do something. Besides, I'll only be gone for a few days at most. There will be plenty of time for trying to satisfy you when I return."

The white haired shaman stands up from the bed and grabs his red tunic. As he pulls it over his head, Felika sits down at the table and pours some more wine.

"hehe maybe eef you got a gruntling of yer own you could have him elp me out sellin trade goods on da Drag"

Orkimedes snorts at her. "I doubt that Thrall intended for these Gruntlings to be used as slave labor when he brought them out of the orphanages for the Argent Crusade."

As he picks up his bulging backpack from the corner the sultry orc woman stands up from the table and grabs him aggressively with her strong arms.

"Okay, ye can go but youd better be careful over dere. If you play yer cards right Ill make you mah husband wheen you come back." she says as she buries her face in his broad chest.

The shaman smiles and once again gently runs his hand across her shiny, bald head.

The pair hold one another for a moment before releasing their passionate embrace. Then, without saying a word or shedding a tear, he walks out of the hovel and departs into the streets of Orgrimmar.

With any luck the zeppelin to Northrend will be arriving soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

pt 35 Tirion's fool

"You pompous, arrogant ass!! How dare you send us on this fool's errand!!" The Blood Elf noble calling herself Squish yells at the top of her lungs. Her commanding voice echoing across the sundered entrance of Icecrown citadel.

"Lady Annora!!" Tirion Fordring, commander of the Argent Crusade barks back in response. "You were not sent on a fool's errand. Sylvannas had a hunch that she could find Arthas, and your warband was the best equipped to help her."

"That was nothing but an idiot's wager and you know it Tirion. Lady Sylvannas was bent on nothing but revenge against Arthas!! You gambled with my warriors and we paid the price for your foolishness. If it wasn't for the Ogrim's Hammer coming to our rescue, Arthas would have killed us all!!"

Tirion sighs with frustration.

"Lady Annora, we serve the light and look to it for our protection and guidance. We had to trust it, to try and bring a quick end to this nightmare." the stately paladin says with a gentle smile.

"Don't lecture me about the light Fordring! The Light serves me, and I will use it in good time to finish this conflict with Arthas and the Alliance." Squish snaps back with a sarcastic tone.

An angry scowl replaces Tirion's smile

"Annora!" Tirion growls "Hold your blasphemous tongue. You serve the Light and all that it stands for, not the other way around. This kind of talk will get you removed from the ranks of the Silver Hand, and that is not a pain you want. Believe me, I know what it is like."

Squish stand on the cold, icy stone floor for a moment. Her fists clenched in anger and frustration. It is clear to all standing nearby that she wants to strike Tirion.

"Squish, we need to reform the warband and try to recover our losses." a nearby blood elf warrior says. She, like Squish, is dressed in heavy plate armor and bears the markings of a paladin of the holy order. Her lovely face radiates a peaceful and soothing light. In appearance she looks very much like Squish, in fact, she could even be related.

Squish looks over her shoulder at the woman. "Morenia, you are right. We are wasting our time here. I want you to go back and get Bloodlust prepared. I will join you as soon as I am done."

Morenia frowns at Squish for a moment before turning around and walking out of the entrance way. The click of her plate boots echoing on its icy, stone walls.

"Lady Annora, I want you to reform your warband and meet me here by days end. Now that we have secured the entrance way I want your champions to begin an assault into the main citadel." Tirion says with resolute authority.

"Days end?!? Are you insane Tirion? I can't get..." Squish starts to say.

"That was an order Lady Annora!" Tirion interrupts "If you will not take commands from the Argent Crusade perhaps I should inform Saurfang, or even Garrosh of your incompetence."

Squish's eyes grow wide and a nearly uncontrolled fury overtakes her. It is only her noble demeanor and her secret fear of Garrosh that culls her rage.

"Very well Tirion, days end it is." she snaps back with a cold and bitter sneer.

With a flourish the Blood Elf noble spins around and marches out of the entryway and past the broken doors of the citadel.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

pt 34 The Lich Kings cruel joke

I don't know who I am. I don't know where I have been, and I don't know how I got here.

The frozen halls of Icecrown Citadel chill me to my bones. My tattered robes do little to keep me warm. All around me I see the battered and sundered remains of both the living and the undead. The blood, though already frozen, decorates the walls and floor in violent, macabre spatters.

I have been slowly making my way through the gloomy fortress for several hours now. I am tired and very hungry. The bulk of my time has been spent traversing a massive open pit mine called the Pit of Saron. It took so long because I had to be careful to avoid the gaze of a massive eye floating above the center of the pit. I recognized the eye as a scrying portal of the Lich King.

Now, I am making my way through a place called the Forge of Souls. It is a massive chamber deep in the citadel, its purpose can only be guessed at. All around the room are metal walkways hanging from chains, crossing from one platform to another. Scattered across each platform are more corpses. Each one has been picked clean for usable material. Nothing left to help me.

I dare not linger for too long in one place, but I need to rest. I think I have frostbite in my feet. It is a tough decision to make, but in the end fear and loathing drives me onward. I may have no idea how I got here, but I do know that I don't want to die here. If I could just reach Dalaran perhaps I can get some help to clear my head.

Up ahead the metal catwalk gives way to a frozen stone walkway. Beyond, I can see a doorway. Perhaps it is an exit. Hope lends my poor muscles strength and I begin to run.

As I pass through the doorway and turn a corner I see a metal portcullis blocking the passageway. Beyond it, I hear the murmuring voices of guards, and the flickering of a fire. I can feel its warmth from here.

My knees feel weak and my body shivers as I creep forward in the shadows. You would think I was a rogue instead of a mage with the way I have been hiding. As I reach the portcullis I look into the room beyond. Scattered about the rooms are human gueards. They bear a strange white tabard emblazoned with a kind of star or a cross.

Suddenly, I get a strange feeling like I am being watched. My skin crawls and the chill of this horrid place bites into me. As I turn around I see a sickly green floating skull in the hallway behind me. It is moving slowly towards me. I guess my skills as a rogue were not as good as I thought.

Panic overtakes me and I can't help but whimper like a child as the horror comes ever closer. I have come so far through this place and been so careful. Now it seems that I will die here.

"Hey!! There is someone at the gate!!" one of the guards yells out behind me.

The clatter of heavy boots and armor rattles up behind me to the gate. Yet, I am transfixed on the skull as it slowly edges towards me with a slow and steady purpose.

"Open the gate!" someone yells, and the piercing groan of metal on stone fills the air as the portcullis is hoisted up.

Suddenly, I feel a strong arm grab me from behind and pull me away from the horrid skull. As I pass through the gate the rattle of chains jars me and the portcullis crashes to the floor once again. As it does, the green skull comes to a halt and stares at me balefully through the bars of the gate.

"Are you okay m'lord?" one of the guards asks me.


I feel my body begin to convulse with the horrific realization. The skull begins to laugh at my terror. All I can do is cling to my saviors and cry like a baby.

"Get Devos in here immediately" one of the guards calls out "We need to get this mage a portal to Dalaran."

It all comes flooding back to me. I am Diogenes, mage of the Kirin tor. I came in here yesterday as the Tauren known as Calmfury. We fought a bone giant in a room and somehow I came into being. Through the power of the Lich King I am alive. The lord of death gave me life!! But, am I real or a copy? Was I separated from Calmfury, or am I just a cruel hoax?!?

"He looks to be in bad shape Sergeant. Nevertheless I will open a portal."

I hear the familiar sound of a spell being cast. The incantations ring in my ears, and I can't help but mouth the words of the spell as it's being cast.

"I am Diogenes" I manage to say weakly as I am carried through the portal into the warmth and safety beyond.

If I am a hoax then the wizards of the Kirin Tor will decide my fate.