Monday, November 16, 2009

pt 22 The Tauren's lament

I miss my life. I miss the feel of the wind, the sunshine, and yes even the cold. Though from what I can tell I have been effectively dead for many seasons.

I can clearly remember the day he kidnapped me. Or rather, he kidnapped my body. My name was Redtalon Grimtotem. I was once a part of the Grimtotem clan, who live apart from our tauren brethern for reasons I don't want to discuss. I was born and raised in a place called Grimtotem post in the Stonetalon mountains. At a very young age, I was not even a bull yet, I decided to follow my dreams and explore the barrens, and perhaps see the ancestral homeland of my people, Mulgore. Never had I seen a more beautiful land, and never had I felt more at home then in that place.

Sadly, it was where he found me. He came like a hellish spectre in the night. I ran for all I was worth, but he caught me. The last thing I remember were the cries of the plainstriders, my father told me that when I hear their scream it meant danger was near. He was right, as the demon seized me I passed out from fear.

When I awoke after all these years, I found myself as a ghost, and the demon calling himself Calmfury was possessing yet another body. Mine had been mutilated beyond reckoning.

These past several weeks have been miserable for me. I'm beginning to wish I would have stayed asleep. Calmfury and a Night Elf ghost named Sylios have been bickering incessantly. Sylios is some sort of elder and the owner of the body that Calmfury is possessing. From what I understand Sylios is trying to do everything he can to take control of his body.

He came close once, when Calmfury fell asleep. Sylios took control and ran us through the winter snows to some Night elf city. Sylios apparently remembered the place from thousands of years ago. But, when we got there all we found were ruins at the edge of a frozen lake. In his grief Sylios lost control of his body to Calmfury.

So now, we have taken up residence in a cave in the mountains. Calmfury preys upon a strange race of Furbolgs calling themselves the Winterfall. They possess some sort of potion that Calmfury craves. Anyway, yesterday we killed their chieftain and took his cave as our own.

"I think I have forgotten how to speak Orcish" Calmfury says out of the blue, breaking the long silence.

Sylios sneers with contempt.

I stand from my position by the entrance to the cave.

"You need to scurry your way back to hell demon!!" I say in Orcish.

Calmfury looks at me with a blank, clueless expression on his face.

Over the past few weeks I have noticed some bizarre changes in Calmfury. He seems to sit and think alot but, he's not remembering things. In fact, he seems to be forgetting more. I think it's the winterfall potions he's been drinking day after day to maintain control over Sylio's body.

"Well, I'm hungry. I'll be out hunting for a while. Don't wait up for me." Calmfury says as he rises from his bed and strides out of the cave.

Stark silence falls in our makeshift home. Nothing here but us ghosts.

"Sylios, aren't you going to follow him to make sure he doesn't wreck your body" I say in a ghostly whisper.

The mournful Night elf doesn't even look at me. He just sits quietly in the shadows.

The afternoon turns to evening, as the winds outside the cave begin to howl. Snow flurries blow in the dimming sunlight, a storm is coming in.

All at once, Sylios rises to his feet. "Red Talon. I may have a plan to end this nightmare. Will you help me?" he says in desperation.

I stare blankly at the frantic elf for a moment before nodding approval.

"Follow me!! I sense that Calmfury is in trouble!!" He says as he darts out of the cave.

It is morbid curiosity that causes me to rise and follow him into the growing blizzard outside. My father once said that nothing good happens in a storm, my intuition tells me he is right.