Thursday, June 4, 2015

Chapter 2: Pt: 1 The Dawn of Cataclysm

Darkness...  cold...  euphoria...



"Here is one, she is alive!" the Watcher exclaims.


"This world will burn in the fires of the Great One!!" A hollow voice screams from a far off place.

"Aedelia, take this sleeper, along with the others, and get out of here!  Tell Ysera that the Hyjal Barrow Dens are under siege!!"

"But Captain, you'll be murdered by these fanatics!!" the young Druid exclaims as she inadvertently wipes a long smudge of dirt across her fair face from her filthy hands.

"Aedelia, Fandral cannot be allowed to escape!!  Ysera will send help I'm sure.  Now go!!  Time is not our friend" Captain Saynna exclaims through her ominous-looking helmet.

Darkness...  pain...  Blinding light!!  Fire!!


"Wake up child, it is time for you to arise" A deep other-worldly voice rings in my ears.

It is very warm...  blinding, painful light filters through the green canopy of trees above me.

I draw in a deep breath, as a chorus of chirping insects rise around me.

"She is waking up." Aronus says "Give her time to come back from the Emerald Nightmare."

A deep, familiar voice mumbles "Earth Mother be praised."

"Hamuul!!" I croak pitfully as tears roll out of my eyes.

A look of puzzlement washes across the face of all those present, including that of the old Tauren Druid.

"She seems to know you" Aronus mutters as his green dragon wings shutter with surprise.

"It is me Hamuul, Charibdys...  I stepped through the dream, back to my body"

The forest grows quiet as the eyes of all who are present fall on the old Tauren.

"Charibdoos?" Hamuul tries to say in his deep voice.  "I do not remember such a name."

Aronus gives an awful smile, his ferocious teeth showing through his scaly green lips

"Perhaps it is a shadow from the Emerald Nightmare?"  The dragon hisses  "The mysteries of that place are limitless.  It is no wonder so few can be plucked from it's depths."

Silent awe falls over the assembled as my dried, dirt encrusted eyes open.  Despite the passage of time, I recognize the ancient stones and trees of Moonglade.  The smell of the ever blooming flowers, and the chirping of tiny birds fills my heart with joy.  I am awake, the nightmare is over.

"Take her to Mylentha for a bath and a change of clothes.  Charibdys, it may take you some time to recover.  Rest and regain your strength." Aronus says softly.

Gentle hands lift me from the forest floor.  My head turns and my eyes fall upon the bestial face of my beloved Hamuul.  He smiles with the innocent, boyish grin I remember.

"How could it be a dream?" I mouth, as no noise comes out.