Monday, December 28, 2009

pt 30 The assault begins...

How glorious it all is, the mighty army of the Argent Crusade as it makes its way through the horror that is Icecrown. Before us lies the imposing Icecrown Citadel. A vast and hideous black fortress atop a frozen mountain, its spires reaching high into the sky like black claws scratching the heavens.

This army is small, but it is the best that the combined might of the Alliance and the Horde has to offer. At its head stands the indomitable Trion Fordring, one of the finest humans I have ever met and the only person who could have conceived and built this unstoppable army. In truth, I wish my ability to lead my tiny warband was as good as his ability to inspire this army.

My name is Lady Annora Sunstrider... and I am a paladin of the light. I was inspired to become a leader by my great uncle Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. He was forced to lead my people, the Sin'dorei, when his father was killed in a battle with Arthas. It was much later in Outland that I was forced to kill my uncle because of his foolish plans to summon a great demon lord of the Burning Legion. After that time, I went into hiding and changed my name to Squish.

My reasons are my own for picking such a foolish sounding name. Sometimes I worry that it has undermined my authority and standing within the Horde. From what I gather Squish in the Orcish language means soft. Honestly, even knowing that, I kind of like its implications, it puts the other warlords who work for Garrosh off their guard.

A signal is given, and the column comes to a stop at the foot of the grand stairs that lead up to the Citadel. The siege equipment is being brought up for the assault.

I watch as Trion spurs his warhorse to the side of the column, in his hand he holds aloft the mighty sword Ashbringer, as if to strike fear in the enemies that watch him from above, and to inspire the crusaders he leads to this fight.

"Rise up Argent Crusaders!! The hour of justice has come!!" Trion cries out.

The assembled army lets out a mighty cry. I feel the pride and inspiration at being here in this moment of glory.

The siege train moves forward up the stairs to begin battering down the gates of Icecrown. Overhead I hear the chilling screams of gargoyles who have been harassing the crusade ever since we began our march. A few well placed spells and arrows are enough to keep them at bay.

"Lady Squish!!" A rider calls out as he brings his charger to a halt before us. "You are commanded to take your warband up to the westernmost heights of the Citadel."

The rider points to a series of balconies high above us "Up there where those Argent Crusade banners have been hung. You are to be part of a expeditionary force into the upper reaches."

"On whose orders are these commands given?" I shout over the din of battle around us.

"By order of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. You are to meet her up there" the courier shouts back.

I am intrigued. An expeditionary force into the upper reaches? Perhaps a premptive strike against Arthas himself?

"Bloodlust!!" I cry "take to the skies!!"

At my command the two score members of my mercenary unit launch into the air on the backs of their wyverns, drakes and other assorted flying mounts.

Today we either charge to a hideous death, or to timeless glory as a hero of Azeroth.

pt 29 The father who couldn't love

"Comon ya litl runt!! Swing dah axe harda!!"

The massive weapon feels like a boat's anchor in my little hands. It is heavy and unbalanced, not at all like my beloved dagger.

The frothing beast lunges at me again, its razor sharp tusks nearly slicing me open. However, I am too quick for the starving boar and I deftly jump to the side. If I could use this stupid axe I would carry through with a killing blow. My feeble attempt to swing it is met with roaring laughter and cheers from the assembled crowds in the arena.

"Meekha git stronga, swing dah axe!!" my father yells to me from above the fighting pit. I look up to see his disgusting, pale face glaring down at me.

The boar pauses for a moment, as it lifts its head up to squeal ferociously at the crowd. Once again I miss an opportunity to finish it off because of this axe. Instead I retreat to the far edge of the fighting ring, dragging the useless weapon with me. The crowd boos my actions, I hear someone call me a coward.

Suddenly, I trip on something and fall hard on my backside into the blood stained sand. At my feet is a splintered leg bone.

The boar notices me again and charges. I try to scamper back away from it but it is on me in an instant. I grab its tusks to keep it from goring me, the beast bites and snorts frantically. My little arms can't hold the monster for long and my life flashes before my eyes.

Above me I see the crowds looking down on me. They all have an eager blood lust in their eyes. Here it doesn't matter who I am, where I have been, who I have loved, or who loves me. Instead I have one task, to die in the most memorable and grisly way to appease the masses. I look into the face of the Orc that I am told is my father. I don't see love or compassion. He's not going to jump down and save me. Instead I see what I think is anger, perhaps he is displeased that he will lose the money that he bet on me this night. What should I expect, he is a Death knight, I remember hearing someone say he lost his soul a very long time ago.

Without warning, the frothing boar whips his head to the side, tossing me through the air like a rag doll. I hit hard against the side of the arena and slide down into the dirt. Ragged and battered I look up to see the beast preparing another charge against me. I frantically feel around for something to fight with. Then, my hand lands on the splintered leg bone I tripped over before. Gripping it tightly, it feels like a dagger in my hand.

The boar squeals loudly and charges me in a flash. I hold my makeshift weapon up to protect myself. As the boar crashes into me, the bone pierces its tough flesh at the neck. Blood sprays everywhere as the boar screams in pain. The crowd roars with delight.

I jump to my feet and scurry across the ring to my axe. I grab its handle and put my back against the opposite wall. Meanwhile, the beast whirls in a circle trying to pull the bone out of its neck. Then it stops and looks at me hard. It's milky eyes filled with pain fuelled rage.

Time slows down again, as I watch the beast preparing to charge at me. I smell the stench of sweat, blood, and orcish ale. I once again look up at my so-called father, he glares at me with those hollow glowing eyes. I long for the love that I felt from my Master, he would never have subjected me to this nightmare.

The boar charges, its horrible squeal rising above the roar of the crowd and echoing through the arena. With all my strength I dodge to the side, and watch the boar smash hard into the arena wall. The beast stands helpless as I raise the axe into the air.

I swing the axe downward with all my might and watch the sharp blade bite into the back of the beasts neck, and slices through before jarring hard against the floor below. In an instant the horrible screaming stops and the beast falls down. Blood flows like a river across the ground.

The crowd roars again. Their blood lust has been fulfilled, and to my amazement it is not by my blood.

I look up at my father, hoping to see joy that I survived. Instead I am faced with that terrible glare. He does not celebrate with the others, instead he sits in disappointment, as if somehow he lost.

I watch as another Orc steps up to him with his hand out, and my father, Goregreedy the Death knight, presses a bag of coins into his hand.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

pt 28 The reckoning

"Many of you have experienced a betrayal of trust. Yet you perservere, as we all must. In these times, no one is a stranger to the virtue of tenacity. In the face of depair and hatred, we continue to stand true to our beliefs and fight on. There can be no doubt as to your tenacity... but there are other virtues to consider."

I have taken up a seat in the makeshift Chapel of the Light in the Argent Pavilion at the Tournament grounds in Icecrown. Before us stands Argent Confessor Paletress. She is giving aa sermon to a group of Alliance and Horde warriors who are preparing for their march on Icecrown Citadel. This seems like to best place to be inconspicuous as I prepare for my grisly task. Outside the pavilion I can hear the hustle and bustle of soldiers preparing for war.

"Look across the aisle to those you call enemy. Despite the hatred that separated you, there are qualities to respect in your opponent. Their prowess should be acknowledged. Respect your opponent on the field, whether he be your brother or your sworn enemy. No matter where your beliefs truly lie, such respect is acknowledging a connection... and in acknowledging those connections, you are closer to the Light."

The Light... In all my years I have never come to understand this force that serves the saintly and the wretched zealot alike. I have known of powerful paladins like Trion, who seem to serve good. I have also met the mysterious Naruu, the source of the Light. Then, I have met fools that use the light for their own selfish ends like that paladin I killed in Thunderbluff. Then of course I have also met the sinister and wretched who use the light for evil deeds like the Dark Iron Dwarves. I just don't understand how this Light can be a tool of pure goodness. It is not balance.

"By feeling and understanding compassion in enemy and ally alike, you reaffirm your connection with the world. Acting on these tenets, these virtues, help make the world a place we all can appreciate. A world of honor and justice."

Honor and justice... important precepts. Clearly the basis of civilization. How can we believe in them when we have leaders like Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream? Today, I seek to change all that.

"... In the darkness that surrounds us all, the Light is needed more than ever. I'll be behind the confessional screen if anyone wishes to speak with me.."

One by one the congregation stands, Human and Orc, Troll and Dranaei. Some form a line at the confessional screen, others shuffle out of the chapel to prepare for the coming siege of Icecrown.

I sit for a cold and lonely moment. In facing death, all manner of weakness and doubt tends to creep into your mind. As the last of the warriors finish their confessions, I stand. My legs are tembling beneath me. Then, Paletress steps out from behind the screen and looks at me inquisitively.

"Tauren, do you want to confess anything? You seem to have a heavy weight on your soul. Any worries or doubts you have I will happily soothe.." she says to me with a smile.

I can't help but look at the zealot with a scowl on my face.

"Your Light cannot help me this day Paletress." I softly reply to her.

Once again she smiles at me. "The Light helps all who seek righteousness Tauren. Let me try to help you."

Her words remind me of the noble inspiration that Trion instills. Without saying a word I slowly walk behind her confessional screen. She steps in with me and looks at me expectantly.

"Well since you think that your light can help me I will tell you what troubles me." I pause for a moment to collect my thoughts, wondering why I am taking part in this foolishness. "I have come to the Argent Tournament grounds to murder Garrosh Hellscream. He killed my adopted daughter and her blood cries out for vengence."

Paletress looks at me with a horrified stare.

"As a druid I have learned and embraced the way of balance in all things. This war that Garrosh and your wretched King are taking us into is wrong, and I seek to stop it or die trying."

The priestess shakes her head. "Druid, you are mistaken. Killing Garrosh will only drive turmoil into the ranks of your people. It may even divide you. It is this divide that Varian will strike at and take advantage of. If you do this you will be the one bringing us to war."

Remarkably the anger does not rise in me as it once would at her words. Instead I am frustrated and confused.

"This is not the time to seek retribution Tauren. If Garrosh killed your daughter then justice must be done, but not now. Can't you see that the Horde and Alliance march together to rid the world of Arthas, who threatens to destroy us all. Your daughter would want a world that is rid of injustice."

"Your words Paletress..." I say with a sneer "are like snowflakes on a hot forge. Destiny has brought me here, overcoming obstacles that are unfathomable to you. Destiny will guide my hand this afternoon."

I stand up with renewed vigor and turn to leave the Chapel. Behind me Paletress stands and watches me go with a frown on her face.

As I step outside into the cold air I look about and see the Argent Crusade gathering for their march. Hundreds of souls from all the races of Azeroth have assembled in glorious order.

Then, I see them. Garrosh stands at the side of Thrall, nearby stands King Varian Wyrnn. Between them stands Trion Fordring. Around them are assembled their royal guards, and a woman I recognize from my days in Dalaran, the mage Jaina Proudmore.

All the threads of fate and balance have come to this point... If this is destiny then I can kill Garrosh and Varian at the same time. Everyone will see. The world will be shaken to its foundation.

"Tauren, don't do this" Paletress says from behind me.

Strength that I have never known surges through my body.

"Do not try to stop me human, or you will be next" I say to her over my shoulder.

"MEEKHA YOU WILL BE AVENGED THIS DAY!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I spring forward and shift into lion form.

All eyes turn to me as I sprint across the expanse towards my enemies. Everyone is so stunned that not even the royal guards react to my charge.

Suddenly, roots burst from the ground and catch me in their throny embrace. As I struggle to break their grasp a hammer hits me hard on the head. Then I am assaulted on all sides by Orc warriors. They seemed to be waiting for me!!

I roar with rage and frustration. However, instead of swords, axes and spears piercing my flesh, the mob surrounding me grabs me from all sides, holding me prone. I shift to bear form to escape, but they hold me fast. I was so close.

"What is the meaning of this!" Trion says as he walks up to the dog pile that holds me down.

From the assembled crowd steps a lithe Blood elf in the thick armor of a paladin.

"My Lord Fordring, please excuse our friend... he is not in his right mind and we have come to collect him before he hurts himself." the elf says with a smile.

That elf I immediately recognize as Squish. That vengeful bitch somehow knew of my plan and stopped me... but how did she know it was me?

Thrall and Garrosh walk over to survey the commotion.

"Lady Annora!! Why are you not getting your warband prepared for Icecrown Citadel" Garrosh exclaims. "Didn't you get my letter?"

"Of course I did Overlord, and we are ready as promised." Squish replies with a bow.

I continue in vain to struggle against my captors. Tears roll out of my eyes at the knowledge that righteous vengence has been robbed of me. Poor Meekha, there will be no rest for her soul.

Then I see her... a tall and graceful tauren women kneels before my face. It is Charibdys!! I should have known, she somehow found me, she lead them here to betray me!!

"Calm yourself" she says

My anger and frustration are too much to bear, but they give me new strength and I continue to struggle.

"Diogenes!!" Charibdys exclaims "calm yourself!!"

The utterance of my human name strikes through me like a nail. The shock forces me to lose control over my mastery of shapeshifting, I change back to tauren and my captors finally get a good hold on me.

Garrosh, Thrall and Trion turn back to their business of assembling the crusade. Meanwhile Squish joins Charibdys in front of my face.

"Ahh, here we have the mighty Calmfury. My what a cunning disguise you have. I would have never known it was you if you didn't reveal yourself like a moron." Squish says sarcastically.

"You vengeful elfin bitch!!" I spit on the ground. "How dare you stop me!! I was so close to getting vengence and stopping this entire war. You had no right!!"

"Oh but Calmfury, what in the world would you want to hurt our leaders for?"

"For my Meekha, he killed me daughter!!" I scream

"Calmfury!" Charibdys shouts in my face as she grabs me by my horn "Meekha is alive, Garrosh never killed her."

I am stunned. All my anger, all my rage, all my frustration melts away in an instant. Those words, I could never have imagined to be uttered.

"Alive... you are a liar!" I manage to say over my grief.

"No my dear Calmfury, she is alive" Squish says with a sort of twisted delight. "and if you help me in my assault on Icecrown Citadel, I will bring you to her."

Tears roll from my eyes like they never have before. I have no words to describe this feeling in my heart. It is like pain and relief all at the same time. I lay there in the snow for a long moment trying to come to grips.

"Vorack!" Squish exclaims to one of her warband. "I want you to fetch Darqyn, tell him we need a portal opened to Dalaran at once." the Forsaken scout nods as he turns to find the warbands mage.

Once again Squish turns to me. "So, what say you Calmfury, will you pledge yourelf to my cause?"

I look into her sneering elfin face for a moment. "It seems I have no choice." I manage to say with contempt.

"Good" Squish replies as she stands up. "and this time there will be no leaving. Your in my service for life."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

pt 27 In search of...

How did this happen to me?!? Here I am a beautiful, intelligent and auspicious Blood Elf of noble birth, and I am surrounded by imbeciles. I can't get anything done because of the low grade morons I have in my employ.

It doen't matter how much I pay them. It doesn't matter that I have consistantly led them to success in whatever venture we have undertaken. They are like simplistic children who have to have their hands held in order to get anything done.

Now, their ineptitude has put my life in danger.

"Uh, Lady Squish, dere is someone ere to see you. Shees offerin money fer infermation" my orcish assistant says as he walks out on the balcony where I have made my office.

These days I have taken up residence at the Ledgermaine Lounge in Dalaran. I prefer to work on the balcony where I can see the crowds in the streets below. I'm hoping a public presence will help my effort to recruit mercenaries into my warband.

"You say this person wants information? About what, and how much is she offering?"

My blunt assistant stares blankly at me for a moment. Obviously he didn't bother to ask. Without saying a thing he turns and heads back into the inn.

Before me on my desk lies a letter delivered to me this afternoon:

Lady Annora Sunstrider,

Loktar!! Our time has finally come! I received word last night from the Argent Crusade that the siege of Ice Crown Citadel has begun. You must rally your warband and prepare to assault the gates within a few days time. I want Bloodlust to help lead the charge! It is critical that we crush the Alliance before they reach the Frozen Throne. The glory of defeating Arthas must go to the Horde!

Saurfang is expecting you soon. You had better be prepared! Otherwise, I have a place for your head on the spires of Warsong Hold. Don't fail me elf!!

Also, I heard that you are calling yourself Squish. It is clear that you don't have a understanding of the orcish language, Squish in orcish means you are soft. Change your name you moron!

Garrosh Hellscream, Overlord of the Warsong offensive

I can't help but squirm a bit as I re-read his letter. My warband is strong, but not strong enough to assault the Citadel. We have had losses, and recruitment is slow. We need skilled people for Bloodlust but they are few and far between.

"Uh, boss. Shes a taureen and is lookin fer sumone. She says u myte know weer to look. Shes offern alot of gold" my assistant says as he returns once again.

"Alot you say?" I reply "Lemme guess, more than you have fingers?"

He nods meekly at me as he looks a the floor. Honestly, I didn't pick my assistant for his ability to do arithmatic.

"Very well, send her in" I finally say.

After a moment a Tauren woman walks out on the balcony. She is tall and looks strong, wearing plain, handmade leather clothing from head to hoof. However, in her eyes I can see a twinkle. Something is different about this Tauren.

"I am told your name is Squish and that you lead the warband called Bloodlust" she says directly to me.

I look her up and down for a moment, still perplexed about what is different about her.

"Your information is correct Tauren" I say coldly "What business do you have with me?"

The Tauren pauses for a moment and then replies "I understand that you have employed a Druid by the name of Calmfury. I am interested in finding him."

She tosses a small leather bag on my desk. Sounds to be about 15 coins.

I pick up the bag and toss it back to her. "Save your money, everyone knows that Calmfury was cut to pieces by Garrosh over two months ago."

She looks at me with that strange twinkle in her eyes again.

"You are mistaken Elf." she says to me with a sneer "he has returned and is wandering around in a disguise of sorts. You haven't had any new mercenaries in your employ, that fit the description of a Tauren Druid that no one knows, have you?" She tosses the coins back onto my desk.

In a disguise? Came back? Maybe Slasherjoe lied to me.

I do my best to hide my curiosity as I sit back down in my chair.

"A disguise huh? Hiding out from Garrosh perhaps?" I reply.

"I doubt that he is hiding out. More like he is trying to get close to get revenge on Garrosh for killing his Gruntling. Anyway, if you hear anything would you let me know? I will be in town for the next month" The Tauren says as she turns to leave.

"Wait!" I exclaim as I jump up from my chair and grab the Taurens arm. "Perhaps we can help each other more than you know... uh, what was your name?"

She turns cautiously towards me again. "My name is Charibdys"

"Please, sit down and talk with me for a moment Charibdys" I motion to a nearby chair. "Let me buy you a drink. Poklix!!"

My assistant comes running out on the balcony. "Yesh My Ladee?"

"Bring me and my Tauren friend a drink."

With a simpleton grin on his face he turns to carry out his task.

"Now, Charibdys" I say "I think we can help each other out. You see, we are preparing to assault Ice Crown Citadel and I need people of skill in my warband. I remember you from a conversation I once had with Calmfury. He said you are a powerful healer, is that correct?"

The Tauren looks at me with caution in her eyes before nodding.

"This is good, I need healers. Now, I am also in need of having Calmfury back in my assault group. Perhaps if my warband helps you find him, and you agree to convince him to help me, then we can work together. Also, I want you to come and heal my warriors during our assault."

The obviously dim witted Tauren, like there is any other kind, sits quietly for a moment and ponders my offer. Meanwhile, Poklix brings us a bottle of wine.

"Squish, I shall have to think about this for a bit. Can we talk more about this tommorrow?" she finally replies.

"Why of course. Please, let me get you a room here at the Ledgermain. It is the least I can do."

The Tauren nods before standing up to leave.

"Oh, one more thing Charibdys. Garrosh did not kill Calmfury's gruntling. No, one of my warriors saved her and hid her away. From what I understand she is living with her father in Orgrimmar."

Charibdys wheels about to face me again in with a startled look on her face.

"Perhaps we can use this to our advantage to get Calmfury to work for me again" I say with a grin. "Poklix!! Get Charibdys a room!"

My assistant grabs Charibdys by the arm and leads her back into the Inn. Clearly she is at a loss for words.

If this plan works out then I will have all the people I need to once again lead Bloodlust to glorious victory.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

pt 26 The reluctant assassin

A lone figure moves across the swinging rope bridges of Thunder Bluff. She is a Tauren woman wrapped tightly in furs against the blowing wind and rain that winter brings to these vaunting heights. Lightning flashes overhead, lending haste to the pace of the woman. Shortly afterwards, a crack of thunder booms across the land.

No one is foolish enough, save her, to brave the storm. All the other inhabitants of this foreboding height are safe and sound in their lodges.

As she nears the end of the bridge, she sees the sacred huts of the elders of Spirit rise. In the center lies the enormous lodge of Hamuul Runetotem, disciple of Malfurion, servant of Cenarius, and leader of the Tauren druids.

The ever present and merciless wind whips across the bluff as the lone figure nears the door of the grand lodge. A massive kodo hide has been stretched across the entrance, buttoned from the inside. It is clear that those inside are not expecting a guest this night.

"I need an audience with Elder Hamuul!!" she cries out over the howling wind.

Moments pass as the wind and rain batter the tauren. She holds fast to her skins and furs, trying her best to endure the storm.

"Hamuul Runetotem!! I desperately need to speak with you!!" she cries

Suddenly the kodo hide is pulled aside far enough for another tauren woman to stick her head out. She eyes the rain soaked figure for a moment before replying.

"Elder Hamuul is not seeing any visitors. He is gravely ill."

"Tell Hamuul that Charibdys is here to see him. I bring word of Calmfury!! I need the Elders help." the lone figure growls.

The woman at the door looks hard at the stranger. "I told you, the Elder is ill. He will not see anyone, anyway we don't want to involve ourselves in this Calmfury business anymore!!" she snaps back at the stranger.

"Bashana!!" a deep voice bellows from inside the lodge. "Let our guest come in"

The woman pulls her head back into the lodge with a scowl on her face, the kodo hide door is buttoned back up, and even over the howling wind an argument can be hear inside the lodge. The forlorn stranger left out in the cold shivers against the wet and stormy night. Then all at once, the argument in the lodge stops, and the kodo hide door is opened.

"Come inside" the deep voice commands from the dark and smokey confines of the lodge.

As the figure enters, she immediately feels the warmth and safety of the room. Huddled around a fire are about a half dozen figures, one of which is a elderly looking tauren male wrapped in a blanket and smoking a pipe.

"Come here child, let me see you closer." the Elder says.

The drenched tauren fumbles her way across the room and stands before the elder, then all at once she drops her furs, revealing a scantily clad and tattered looking woman.

Elder Hamuul squints for a moment, then tears well up in his eyes and a smile comes across his weary face as he recognizes the stranger. "By the Earthmother!! Charibdys it is you!!" he pauses for a moment, obviously astounded by what he sees. "Charibdys... but how?"

Charibdys sits heavily on the floor of the lodge as she begins to weep. "Elder Hamuul, I am so sorry." she cries out.

"Charibdys, what is wrong? Why have you come back?" Hamuul says, emotion clearly in his voice.

The tauren woman sobs for a moment before looking up at the venerable elder.

"Elder Hamuul, Ysera and the green dragonflight would not let me pass. They say that the war in the dream goes badly, and the nightmare threatens to envelope everything."

Everyone in the room gasps collectivly at the words of Charibdys.

"But, what about Calmfury?" Hamuul says in a low tone.

"Thats just it... Calmfury passed into another body, just as you thought. But, he didn't do it through the dream. You were right that he has some forbidden knowledge. The Night Elves said he is a necromancer of some sort. That he has a power that is akin to a banshee, to take over peoples bodies."

A horrified look comes across Hamuul's face. He doesn't respond, instead he just stares at Charibdys in disbelief.

"Master Hamuul, we have to find him. I need your help! He has to be stopped before it is too late. The Kaldorei he possesed when he left Moonglade manifested the Curse of the Worgen. The Sentinels had to kill him!! Right before my eyes!"

Bashana stands up from her seat by the fire. "Oh no!! you're not going to involve us in this mess again. My father has been sick ever since we came back from Moonglade. If the Night Elves want Calmfury dead then let them kill him. He is their problem now. That arrogant fool Fandral can deal with this!!"

"You don't understand!!" Charibdys continues "Before he died the Night Elf told us that Calmfury had possessed a new body. He was able to take over another Tauren!!"

The room goes deathly quiet, as everyone tries to come to grips with this new nightmare. The howling of the wind and the crackle of the fire bring a haunting aura to the smokey lodge.

"Charibdys" Elder Hamuul finally speaks "It is you and only you that must find him. I sense that there is some purpose to this horror that we don't yet understand. You seek him out and discover this purpose. I have known Calmfury, I have looked him in the eyes. My heart tells me that there is good in him and that the Night Elves are wrong. Find him Charibdys, talk to him. If I am wrong, then you must kill him."

"Father no!!" Bashana cries out

With a shocked look on her face, Charibdys does what she has always done. "Yes Elder Hamuul, I will do as you ask."

The weary Elder smiles at her. "Charibdys, please make yourself comfortable here for the night. Have some kodo stew and regain your strength. Tommorrow we will talk more about this."

"Yes Master" she says as a bowl of hot food is passed to her. As she begins to eat, a bit of a smile comes across her face. "I think I have a hunch where I can find him".

Monday, December 14, 2009

pt 25 Betrayed by pride

It's been over a thousand years since I last walked the fields, forests and mountains of Kalimdor. So much of the world has changed. Demons, orcs and other strange foreigners have come to our lands. The only thing that has remained roughly the same are my people the Night Elves.

"Ah, the venerable and wise Sylios. I am delighted to see you once again." the graceful and beautiful Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind says to me as she enters the hall where I am staying.

From what I understand she is leading the Kaldorei while Malfurion continues to wage war in the Emerald Dream. The lovely priestess of Elune sits at my table and takes some of the fruit that had been brought to me.

I stand and bow gracefully to her, in the fashion of the old ways. I wonder if she remembers the formal greeting of our forefathers.

"Sylios, I know you are very tired from your long journey, but is there any word from Malfurion?"

I feel a bit a anger and disgust as I realize that she does not remember our ways, though I am careful not to show it. As I sit down I can't help but shift uncomfortably for a moment in my chair, unsure of how to answer her.

"Well Tyrande, the war in the dream is complicated. Ysera and the Green Dragons are still searching for Malfurion as they battle the growing nightmare. But, we still don't know exactly where he is or what is causing the nightmare." my cautious explanation is interrupted by a sentinel entering the room. "From what we can gather my lady, Malfurion is battling the nightmare as well, but at the side of Cenarius himself."

The sentinel speaks "Mistress Tyrande, the Tauren druid has been found. Shall we bring it here?"

Tyrande looks displeased. "Sentinel Avaria, you will not refer to the Tauren as "it". Despite what Fandral says the Tauren are sentient creatures and worthy of respect. Even if they fight for the Horde." Tyrande sighs. "Yes, please bring the Tauren to me."

The sentinel bows gracefully as she ducks back out of the room.

"So, Sylios tell me about your tribulations in Winterspring." Tyrande says as she bites into a fresh apple.

I can't help but fidget nervously. Honestly, I don't know where to start or what to say.

"Well, Mistress" I reply "It's all so uneventful and trivial. I'm afraid my story would only bore you to tears."

Tyrande's beautiful face suddenly becomes hard. "Try me... In particular I would like to know how you were able rid yourself of the one called Calmfury."

Her hard words and her forceful tone make me angry. She may be the leader of our people but I am an elder, an ancient of the old times when the Kaldorei were respectful of one another regardless of their station, a time before these foreigners came along. Besides, I said nothing about Calmfury, how does she know?!? Despite my rage, I try hard not to grimace at her.

"My Lady, pardon me but I'm not sure what your talking about. Didn't your people tell you that I got lost and ended up in Winterspring by mistake? Things have changed alot in the long years I have been asleep" I say cautiously.

Tyrande suddenly softens her glare and sits back. A soft, strange light radiates off of her as she looks down at her half eaten apple.

"Elder Sylios, let me be honest with you." she says softly, still looking at her apple. "We are trying to track what we believe is a necromancer of untold power. He has used some sort of unnatural abiliy to possess the body of several people, including you. We know that he left Moonglade in your body and went to Winterspring, in fact we were searching hard for you. Anyway, this necromancer carries a disease called the Curse of the Worgen. If it is allowed to manifest, he may be infectious to others. We need to find him and kill him before that occurs."

It is all clear to me now. Somehow he stole my body and left me in limbo for weeks on end. Then the young tauren, Redtalon, he must have been a previous victim. My fury rises in me like a hot fountain. This wretched beast must be found and killed before he does this to anyone else... Then I remember, the tauren warrior.

Suddenly, the doors to the hall come open and a group of sentinels enter, carrying a filthy tauren woman. She is covered in tattered rages and barely seems cognisant. I recognize her stupor as that of the afteraffects of waking from the Emerald Dream.

Behind the sentinels walks an arrogant looking Night Elf with a permenant scowl on his face. I recognize him immmediately as Fandrel Staghelm, an old friend from times long past. We fought in Silithus together in the war of the shifting sands. A smile creeps across my face as I rise to greet him.

"Fandral, it is a pleasure to see you once again." I say politely as I bow to him in the traditional fashion

With a motion he interrupts me. "Sylios, save the pleasantries for later, we have important business to attend to. What happened to Calmfury?!" His dismissive tone makes me angry, this time I do nothing to hide my displeasure as my rage continues to grow.

"They would not let me through!!" the tauren suddenly screams. Her dirty face twisitng into a mask of frustration and despair. "Ysera refused to guide me through the dream. She said the nightmare engulfs all corners... Malfurion is lost to us!"

Fandral grabs the tauren by her horn and looks her square in the face. "You wretch!! If you couldn't go through how did Calmfury do it?!"

"Fandral!!" Tyrande yells. "Let me handle this, do not treat her is such a manner!!" she grabs him forcibly on the shoulder.

No one notices me as I stumble to the corner of the room. My body feels hot and my chest feels tight. Something is wrong with me.

"Calmfury did not use the dream..." the tauren says with a stammer. "he never used the dream, he has some sort of power, something I don't understand."

The occupants of the room jump in startlement as I scream out in primal fury. All eyes turn to me as I feel my bones begin to crack and my muscles start to stretch into unnatural shapes.

Sudden recognition sweeps across Fandral face as he yells. "It is too late!! He has the curse!! Kill him before it spreads to us!!"

Everyone in the room stands in horror as they witness my hideous transformation. Tears run down my cheeks as I feel an overpowering urge to tear everyone apart. It's like a powerful beast, much stronger than Calmfury ever was, taking me over and dominating my mind. I fall to my knees as my last bit off willpower trys to stave off the demon inside me.

"Fandral!!" I scream in a glutteral and sickening cry "Calmfury has possessed a Tauren.. left him in Winterspr....."

Everything fades to black as I watch the sentinels descend on me with their blades in hand.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

pt 24 The forgotten dream

Freedom... I had forgotten what it was like. It seems that life has dealt me a bittersweet hand in letting me remember.

The dry wind blows gently across the plains as I run. It is winter in the Barrens, but there is still so much life here.

Life... something so precious, so unique, it is mine, and with it I am free. Mostly, because I know what is on the other side.

It is life that I pondered these past several weeks, after leaving the frozen confines of Winterspring. I never want to go back to that place. I have considered my burning hatred of the beast calling himself Garrosh Hellscream. When I thought that I'd rather forget about him and live my life, I remembered poor Meekha, and the need for vengence swelled in me again.

Then of course, I thought about Him, the beast that pursues me, the curse that lays claim to my soul. It finally occured to me how he found me so quickly. At first I thought the vicinity of the warlock had acted like a beacon in the twisting nether for the beast to find me. Then I remembered my studies as a fledgeing mage in Dalaran.

It seemed like an age ago, in truth it was. I was a young boy from a noble house in the kingdom of Gilneas. When I was about 10 years old, I was selected by the Kirin Tor for training as a mage. I was quickly assigned to my Master, his name was Kel'Thuzad. I remember him as a cruel man, not a teacher at all. It was a sad fate that I was assigned to him, but one that I embraced. I was a good and loyal student. I remember my Master working on some sort of secret project. He foolishly used me to acquire some of the materials he needed for what I know now was his forbidden work in necromancy. I will admit that sometimes while he slept I would read his texts. Here I was nothing but a boy, barely a mastery of the most simple of cantrips, and I was reading about demonic emanations, corpse reanimation and necromantic possesion. Even then I knew it was dirty, I felt unclean and tainted.

So, it came as a relief to me in my second year as an apprentice that my master was discredited and thrown out of the order. I was left in limbo until the head of the Kirin Tor, Archmage Antonidas assigned me to a new master, Archmage Arugal. I was overjoyed because Master Arugal was also from Gilneas. He was kind and fatherly. He taught me the craft with untold patience. Then, the Scourge came. After the razing of Dalaran I fled with my Master to Shadowfang Keep. He worked tirelessly, day and night to find a way to protect Gilneas from the Scourge. Finally he was able to summon an army to fight for us from beyond the nether, they were the wretched Worgen. It worked for a while, until they turned on us. I think it was sometime afterwards that I acquired the curse.

Anway, it occured to me that the winterfall firewater that I was taking to supress Sylios's control over his own body, was what likely helped manifest the worgen curse. I believe that the Winterfall Furbolg are under some sort of demonic influence, and the potion they carry and consume helps to manifest that influence. Perhaps someday I will go back to help them overcome this demonic slavery.

But, today I will simply run. Not to get away from anything, but to feel life. To feel my lungs draw air, to feel my heart pound in my chest. I will enjoy this time because soon I will give it all up. I know that it is my fate to head back to Northrend, to find Garrosh and to seek my vengence against him. I know deep down inside that I will likely fail, but I cannot suffer evil to live and flourish.

I choose this path for Meekha's sake. Her innocent blood screams for vengence, and I will see that she has it, or I will die trying.